Friday, July 6, 2007

Unconscious Motives

Recently I read a quote from Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychologist, where he said “It frequently happens that unconscious motives overrule our conscious decisions, especially in matters of vital importance. Indeed, the fate of the individual is largely dependent on unconscious factors.”

I find this very interesting. He basically says that what we call fate is actually our unconscious motives. Fate is not some outer power directing our lives. Fate is not some uncontrollable list of predetermined events that dictate what will happen in our lives. Fate is actually the motives from within our selves, from our unconscious mind, or they are subconscious thoughts, subconscious desires. Even the things we don’t want in our lives, the negative events, are among the things we think about. If we think, worry, about them enough they become part of our unconscious thinking.

Carl Jung said that these unconscious motives overrule our conscious decisions, especially in matters of vital importance. We consciously tell ourselves what we don’t want to happen to us, what we don’t want in our lives. By dwelling on what we don’t want, our unconscious mind is collecting these thoughts and they will overrule our conscious decisions. This is why some people continue to have money problems, or relationship troubles, or issues at work, or…, or…, what ever the reoccurring problems in their life are.

Dr. Jung says that what we call fate is largely dependent on these unconscious factors. Well then, since they are caused by the subconscious we can change things for the better in our life. Focus your mind on the positives, dwell on the good things in your life and on the good things you want in your life. Doing this regularly will slowly replace the negatives in your unconscious with the positives. Make your unconscious a positive mind and the riches in life will come to you.

I am on a personal mission to do this for myself. I am working to build positives in my mind, to focus my thinking on the good things I want to happen to me, to dwell on what I want to become. I am doing my best to put the Law of Attraction to work in my favor. The universe is answering my thoughts, I want to make sure the thoughts the universe is hearing, from both my conscious and my unconscious mind, are in line with my desires.

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