Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Be a Doer, not a Don't-er.

I’ve been reading “The Magic of Thinking Big,” by David J. Schwartz, PhD. This book was originally published in 1959, yet it is full of useful information that directly applies to today. It seems that the basics of success in life are the same no matter what time period one may be living in.

One illustration the author makes struck me as being right on the mark. In the past I have heard others give the advice to do something and not to put it off until things are perfect. Because, if you wait until every risk is eliminated it is highly likely that the project, the things you wish to do, will never happen. The more you put it off, the more “reasons” you will come up with that indicate more time to wait. By and by, it never even starts.

Knowing this as a fact still doesn’t make it any easier to get started on the ‘thing’ worth doing. The illustration Dr. Schwartz used was simple and it really put it in perspective for me. He said to suppose you want to drive from Chicago to Los Angeles. If you wait until you can be completely assured that there will be no road construction, no detours, no bad drivers, no bad weather, no problems of any kind, you would never start the trip. Of course it is a good idea to plan your trip out, to look at a map and, possibly, list the route you expect to take, but you need to actually get in the car and start driving before you have any chance of reaching your destination.

That made a lot of sense to me. This is an illustration I will follow in my own life and I will offer it to others as they need a bit of encouragement.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Heart warming Conversation

Earlier today I had a telephone conversation with a former workmate. She was my front office manager while I was general manager in New Mexico.

She is now general manager of a Hampton Inn. As we continued to talk I asked about another person we worked with, whom I promoted to a management position, and she is now a general manager of a Holiday Inn Express in Nevada.

While working with these two ladies I could see the potential they both had for management. It is heartwarming to see them grow and develop their skills to achieve their potential. I'm happy that I had a hand in that development.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Back In Action

After a sabbatical, I am back and ready to go.

I was out of the country for a while to refresh myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Now I am feeling good and eager to get back to work.

This is my first post since my return to the U.S. and I am in the process of updating my e-mails, websites, and profiles. Please be patient as I go through the process.

Thank you.

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