Monday, November 19, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Book Is Ready

My book, X-cellent Guest Service, is now available.

This book contains all the information I presented at my X-cellent Guest Service seminars. It covers the information about Generation X as it applies to the hospitality industry and it gives suggestions and advice for improving guest service at your hotel or restaurant.

It even includes my secret three rules for any situation. These three rules will give anybody at your hotel or restaurant the guidelines and power to handle any situation that comes up in a way that will keep a happy customer without causing damage to the business. It was these three rules that helped me take a 30 year old hotel and restaurant from the mid 50% brand ranking to the top 5%, beating out many newly opened hotels of the same brand.

Follow the link below to order a copy of X-cellent Guest Service.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Change The Beliefs to Change The Behavior

To effect change, whether it is in business or in life, one of the key elements is to change a behavior. You want your staff to deliver better service to your customers you need to see to it that they behave in a manner that will be appreciated and desired by your current and potential customers. Your staff needs to act the right way, they need to speak the right way, they need to conduct themselves the right way, they need to present themselves the right way. It is all about their behavior when in contact with the customer.

What drives behavior? It is the beliefs a person have in their mind that influences their actions and the things in their world. Everything we see, touch, smell, and hear are all filtered through out brain by our beliefs and result in the actions and behaviors we manifest. Change the beliefs and the behavior will change along with it.

One of the best ways to train or teach is by repetition. Think of any new “thing” you had to learn at some point in your life. Riding a bike, or driving a car, you may have made a few mistakes along the learning process. But, as you found ways to complete the process, without the mistakes, you eventually achieved success. It took practice; it took repeated attempts before you finally did it. Then after doing it more and more it eventually became a habit. You could do it without thinking about all the little details involved, the details that you once made mistakes on when first learning how to do it.

We create our world based on the way we interpret the information coming into our brain. How be believe a thing to be true is how it will be for us. The law of attraction says that what we are mentally, and vibrationally, (consciously or unconsciously) in alignment with is what will manifest in our life. If you want to improve the customer service in your business, then your staff needs to be in alignment with that desire.

Now let’s put these together. Repetition and consistency in training your employees, or in dealing with colleagues is important because you want to change their beliefs. Once the belief system is changed and they are acting, or behaving, in alignment with this new belief, then all the desired goals connected to the new belief will be achieved.

So, consistency in training, or in dealing with employees or colleagues, is important because you want to change their belief systems. Once the belief is changed then all the goals will be achieved by virtue of the law of attraction.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Book Hit a Snag

The publishing of my book, X-cellent Guest Service, hit a little bit of a snag.

It might take a little longer then anticipated, but it will come out as soon as I can get it out.

Please be patient.

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