Friday, July 13, 2007

I'm sorry -

“The keenest sorrow is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.”

Sophocles (496 BC - 406 BC)

To say “I’m sorry” is to begin healing. What ever the situation, no matter who is at fault, the fact you are aware it the problem means that you have a responsibility. You need to make things right. A simple apology can make the difference when dealing with an upset guest or any unpleasant situation.

When I worked for Promus (later bought by Hilton Hotels) they taught us to use the service LEAP with angry guests. L- Listen, E- Empathize, A- Apologize, P- Problem solve. They told us that when you apologize you are not accepting blame; you are not saying it is your personal fault, but you are taking responsibility for the problem and you are sorry that it happened in the first place.

Saying that you are sorry and taking responsibility will let the guest know that you care about them, about your hotel, about your service and about yourself. It shows pride in your abilities and your determination to fix it. As another phrase we hear in training says “Don’t fight, make it right.”

So, take responsibility for everything that comes to your attention, the fact you are aware of it automatically makes it your responsibility. Feel the remorse or repentance, say you are sorry this thing has happened then you begin to make it right. Often no further action is required. Just feel it, say it (mostly to yourself). Let that energy flow and watch how your world changes.

I love you.

I’m sorry…

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