Thursday, July 26, 2007

Gen X Like Family and Unusual Trips

Studies show that currently Florida seems to be the destination of choice for Generation X, most likely Orlando, while the Baby Boomers are going to Las Vegas. This has a lot to do with the dedication Xers feel toward family. From the latch key kid background, they feel that many of the joys and pleasures of being in a close knit family is some thing they missed out on. Family is very high priority to Xers. The days of the two week road trip once a year for the family vacation are over. Generation X is much more likely to take multiple weekend trips throughout the year instead of one long trip once a year. As a result, this means more hotel stays. Instead of staying one night at a hotel each night of the family vacation, about 12 nights total, we see X families spending two or three nights in one hotel for a weekend trip and taking five, six, or more of these trips throughout the year. And it is good to know that on average Xers spend more money per trip then the previous generation.

One report I read said that Gen Xers like to take unusual vacations. They actually pride themselves on their ingenuity for planning some of the more unusual trips to the exotic or different locations. Something they can brag about to their friends when they get home after the trip. The Ice Hotel in Quebec-Canada is only open about four months out of the year, the rest of the year the hotel melts. They sell out practically every night, every year and the vast majority of guests are all Gen Xers. Taking the kind of tip their parents never dreamed of is the goal. The more unusual the better.

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