Sunday, July 15, 2007

Please, Forgive Me

“How unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself.”
Publilius Syrus (~100 BC)

Forgiveness begins within you. You can’t be forgiving of others unless you can forgive yourself. Being able to take a problem or situation that may not turn out as well as we would like, and to put that behind you and keep moving forward is one of the biggest elements to personal healing. Once you can heal you, then you can heal your relationship with others involved. Forgiving is healing.

I often think of what people say when using the word ‘forgive.’ Many times you hear them talk about ‘forgive and forget.’ That is the main key to forgiveness, in my opinion, to actually forget about it. This mean to never let it bother you again, never bring the subject up in future conversations, to move forward in a manner that does not dredge up the forgiven matter. I think the forget part of forgiving is the part that releases negative emotions and actually heals the spirit.

If you truly forgive, then you need to forget. Do this for yourself before you can effectively do it for others.

In Ho’oponopono the ‘please, for give me’ is a statement directed to yourself. This allows you to forgive yourself, opening up your memories for the Divine to transmute them and giving you the ability to live on with that memory forgotten. Once forgotten your mind is at zero. Your body, and emotions, will not be affected by that memory any longer.

To forgive means also to forget.

I love you.

I’m sorry.

Please, forgive me…

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