Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rationalize or Rational Lies?

I recently listened to a telephone interview Bill Harris of Holosync had with John Assaraf of One Coach. In the interview John said something that caught my attention. He said that early in his career, when he was struggling and looking at his failure or mistakes, he began to realize that as he was rationalizing why things went wrong or why he couldn’t do things, he was telling himself rational lies as to why he couldn’t do things.

How many times do we think of something we would like to achieve, but never accomplish them because we rationalize why we can’t do it? How much of the rationalization is really rational lies to ourselves?

The key here, I believe, is to focus on the end result, the goal you want to reach and the “how can I?” questions instead of the “why can’t I?” questions. Keep your mind centered and focused on the outcome, the end result you desire, everything else will move in that direction.

The way to achieve something is a three step process. First is to know what you want (the end result), second is to know what you need to do to get what you want (the “how can I?” part), and third is to do what you need to do to get what you want (take action, do it). I have seen this formula described in many different ways and in many different self-help books as well as business books. If so many experts give the same basic principles and advice, it must be working for them and those they teach.

1- What do I want?

2- How can I do it?

3- Do it, take action.

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