Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Extra Special service does not mean elaborate service.

Good service doesn't get you any extra points. Providing good service is simply giving the guest, or customer, exactly what they expected. They are pleased, they are happy, but they got what they feel they should have gotten in terms of the service. Essentially, nothing to write home about.

Bad service will give the guest plenty to write home about. Bad service gives the guest a story to tell, and they will tell the story over and over. Poor service has the same effect, they will tell the story.

To make extra points, with the guest and also on the service scores, you need to give extra special service. You still want the guest to tell the story, but you want it to be a story about how great you are. This extra special service doesn't have to be anything elaborate, just as long as it is special. Give your guest an extra touch that is special for them.

Stephanie is one example. She went across the street to purchase a news paper for a guest. The hotel provided the USA Today for every guest, but this guest wanted the Wall Street Journal. Stephanie ran across the street and bought the Journal for him and delivered it to him in the restaurant while he was having breakfast.

What Stephanie did was nothing elaborate but it as special and it made that guest feel special. What she did wasn't expensive, it didn't break the bank, but it meant a great deal to the reputation of the hotel.

Did we get extra points? We sure did, and some extra business as well from that guest's company.

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