Sunday, September 16, 2007

Thinking of a Past Workmate

When I was FOM at the Hampton Inn I-10 West, Phoenix, I worked with Jeff who was our Sales Director.

Jeff has been on my mind recently for no specific reason. I really don't know why he popped in there. He and I had a great working relationship. The two of us ran the entire hotel at a time when we had no GM, no Executive Housekeeper, and no Maintenance. It was him and me taking care of the whole place for a couple of weeks until our home office hired a new Exec Housekeeper and Maintenance. Our new GM arrived a week or two after that.

But, for those two weeks it was just me and Jeff keeping the place running. We had the Room Attendants and Front Desk (less the full time Night Audit) staff and one breakfast hostess. The way we did it was to set up two roll-a-way beds in the meeting room and he would sleep for a few hours while I was managing the hotel, then I would sleep for a few hours while he did the manager thing. We would go to our respective homes just long enough to take a shower and change clothes.

One day it was time for me to wake him up, we were going to deliver our weekly paperwork to the home office on the other side of town. So, I woke him up and he went into the little bathroom in the meeting room and I heard him say, "Oh man, I've got sheet face." I was punchy from lack of sleep for a few days and his comment just sent me in hysterics. I laughed about that comment the rest of the day. Every time I thought about it I would laugh just as hard as I did at that moment. Jeff kept looking at me saying, "It's not that funny."

I think what made it funny to me was (1) I never heard that term before, and (2) it made me think of a description of somebody being drunk. When they are S*#% Faced.

Anyway, Jeff was on my mind lately and I wanted to post about that fun memory.

Jeff, if you happen to see this... E-mail me. Let's catch up.


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