Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Success Principles

I am currently reading The Success Principles by Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer. The first chapter gave me insight right from the get-go. Mr. Canfield says that in order for us to make our life better, to get to where we want to be, we need to take 100% responsibility for absolutely everything in our life. Everything we have, whether we like it or don’t like it, it is our responsibility, 100%, no exceptions.

This goes right along with the ancient Hawaiian system Ho’oponopono that Joe Vitale wrote about in his book Zero Limits. So, when I read the part about 100% responsibilities it was not a new concept to me. But, Mr. Canfield included a formula to help clarify the subject.

E + R = O

Event (E) plus our Response (R) = the Outcome (O).

The way we respond to any event will affect the outcome, or final results. How we react to any given event is what has brought us to the place we currently are. If we don’t like the way things have worked out so far… change the way we respond to things. This is the only way to change, or improve, the outcome.

If your habits continually bring about undesired results in your life, then to change the results you must change those habits. Remember the old saying about insanity being defined as continuing the same behavior and expecting a different result.

This also means no more blame. You can’t blame anybody or anything else for anything in your life that you don’t like. 100% responsibility really means 100% responsibility. You aren’t a victim anymore, you can’t demand others to feel sorry for you, you are responsible. I know this can be a tough pill to swallow. This may be a rude wake up call for some people, but it is the truth.

I can see so many ways this attitude will improve things. For example, if you are 100% responsible then there is no need to complain. It’s not anybody else’s responsibility so why complain about it? If you are not complaining, others may like to be around you more, it also helps to raise your own emotional state to a more positive place because you are not dwelling on the negatives by complaining.

Already I find excitement in this book. It will help to improve anybody’s life. I look forward to the changes and improvements in my life with the things I will learn and implement.

Thank you, Jack Canfield, for writing this book.

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